Hops Quick Tips
What time do taps open and close?
2022 Taps open at Noon and close at 6 PM.
How big are the pours?
They are small for a reason. If you sample every beer, that would equate to over 34 pints.
Pace yourself.
Dogs and other animals are NOT welcome.
Can we bring our kids?
NO! You must be 21 and older to enter Hops. Leave the kids with another responsible person. You need a break!
What's with the lines?
They look long because people get their sample, then hang out, drink and bullshit. Nicely ask them if they’re in line. Most people will realize they are in the way and move.
What if I break or have lost my glass?
We don’t give replacements and don’t want to hear your sob story. Water: It’s free … drink it.
Can I get a refund?
No Refunds: Don’t show up 15 minutes before taps close and complain you didn’t get enough beer.
Can I smoke?
Only do it in the smoking areas.
What To Bring?
Here are the two things you must have:
Valid Drivers License or State Identification Card
Your Ticket (or money to get one at the door)
Of course, there are other things that are nice to have. Bring a little extra money in case you want to purchase food or items from our vendors. Bring a blanket to lounge out in the sun. It is Humboldt but the sun does tend to find its way out so you may want to bring a hat and sunscreen. The event is on a baseball field so you’ll want to wear comfortable shoes.
Some people like to dress in costumes so if that’s you, go for it.
What can't I bring?
You Cannot Bring:
Dogs or any kind of pets
Children or babies. No one under 21 allowed.
No weapons of any kind, pocket knives included.
No Drugs and illegal contraband
Drinking Containers
Please be advised that these rules are set to ensure that we have the safest event possible. Be prepared to have your bags checked before entering Hops. We will also have metal detectors for scanning each and every attendee. Failure to abide by these rules will result in denial or expulsion from the event.
*Extra Security and NEW perimeter fencing have been added for increased safety precautions.
What happens if I drink to much?
DON’T DRIVE! Hop on a bus and leave your car in our parking lot until the following day. It will be safe along with others left behind.